About Solven India

Floated by a team of professionals from various industry sectors with years of experience and expertise in IT, GPS, IoT, Databases, commercial facility services, software development and interior decoration as well as maintenance, we aim to be the single point source for everything that any office or individual may need.

Our logic is simple. It is an interconnected world. Businesses and individuals need a variety of products and services. They do not have the time or the knowledge or expertise to find out trusted sources of IT products or software solutions.

What people need is a single organization that will take care of everything and give them freedom to focus on other important aspects of business. It is also easier when one deals with a single person for a variety of products and services besides being cost effective. This is what drove us to create an enterprise that would provide almost all products and services commercial enterprises need for infrastructure and for day to day operations.


Why us

  • As a multi product company offering a plethora of products and services from a single source, we understand how they all tie together and we offer not only the   choicest products according to specifications and budget but we also provide guidance and ensure seamless integration across overlapping technologies. 
  • We are reliable. You can trust us and we will fulfill all our obligations to satisfy expectations. 
  • With so many different and diverse operations, we have set up a strong support channel to be available 24×7 to resolve any query or issue. 
  • You will find us ethical, transparent, committed and dedicated to serving customers with best-in-class products and services while keeping in view cost considerations.

Mission & Vision

We shall be adding to our product range and service offering in the near future. Join our family and benefit by our single point multi product and services offerings.

Mission: We are on a mission to grow into one of the biggest multi-product services company in the country with ambitions plans to fulfill every need.
Vision: Our vision is a grand future in which we shall be serving globally reputed companies with our products and service and become the trusted, go-to source for virtually everything under the Sun.

Our Team

Our team is a colorful mix of professionals from diverse professions with years of industry experience and wisdom distilled into our operations. For the sake of management ease and customer services we have created separate sections for each product and service offering and each section is managed by a team leader who leads his team and reports to the core management. You will find each one of our staff member highly responsive. We hand pick each one in our company for their professional expertise and for their people abilities. Each one shows initiative and yet interfaces seamlessly with other members to work as a team player for the success of clients.